Seo Kim, Director

Science olympiads; piano recitals; writing competitions; journal publications. Do these activities sound familiar to you? If so, you probably belong to one of these three groups: a high-achieving high-school student with your sights set on valedictorian, a passionate parent who desires a top-tier school for your child, or an admissions officer at those very schools. Despite the obvious milestones one can achieve to secure a seat in the freshman class at these highly selective colleges, one can never assume guaranteed admission. 

I don't believe in pressuring young minds to pursue academic achievements only to "get in". What I believe in are life-long habits that will equip these children to become impact-makers in the world. This process begins by allowing them to thrive in both academics and extracurriculars on their own terms. From cultivating self-discipline to developing personal study habits, I guide my students to achieve their own versions of academic and extracurricular success. From year to year, I witness the effectiveness of this methodology in my students’ admissions results. 

My work as an independent educational counselor -- who has successfully helped students gain admittance offers from top schools every single year -- does not entail forcing the student to participate in activities that only serve the purpose of decorating her resume. Instead, I focus on strengthening the fundamental capacity of each student, inevitably resulting in overall academic growth. I believe that with the right type of mentorship and guidance, any and every child can learn to tap into their higher potential. 

Our Prestige Application Package consists of expert guidance on all aspects of the college application process, from strategically choosing a campus for Early Decision to selecting your “best fit” schools for regular applications. Our counselors help you build a strong application that highlights your strengths and makes you stand out from the crowd. This package is best suited for rising high-school seniors, at the start of their second semester in junior year.

Preliminary Profiling

Essay Prep and Drafting

College Applications

Post - Application

When it comes to building an effective admissions strategy, starting earlier is always better! 

I work closely with students to create a unique, personalized master plan, making sure they are prioritizing what matters, helping to maximize their high school experience, and keeping them focused and accountable through the entire college admissions journey, all the way through the final applications and acceptance.

As part of our academic counseling program, we work with your student to:

We offer a differentiated consulting model for every grade-level:

명문대 입시로드맵: 10학년 맞춤형

“성공적인 입시를 이끌어내줄 미국 탑스쿨 입시 설명서", 체계적으로 잘 짜여진 "로드맵" 없이 ‘미국 명문대학 진학’이란 목적지에 도달하기란 결코 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 10학년부터는 구체적인 로드맵이 필요하고, 이를 꼭 수행하기 시작해야 합니다. 성공적인 입시를 이끌어내줄 로드맵은 과연 어떤 내용을 담고 있어야 할까요?

미국 최상위권 명문대 입시 세미나

2022년 5월 30일 김서인 원장 (온라인 라이브 세미나)

“똑똑한 부모가 준비하는 명문대 입시 10첩 반상", 미국 최상위권 명문대 입시 세미나 녹화본입니다. 온라인 라이브 세미나의 특성상 자료 설명과 더불어 실시간으로 올라오는 질문 및 요청 정보에 대한 내용이 다수 포함되어 있습니다.

2021년 아이비리그 입시 결과, 동향

“2021년 아이비리그 입시 결과, 동향 분석", 영상에서 수차례 언급하는 부분입니다. 1) 내신 2) AP 수업 강도, AP 시험 점수 3) 학교 선생님 및 카운셀러 추천서 퀄리티 4) 학생의 가정 및 학업 환경 등의 요소가 "포괄적 입학심사" 과정에 큰 비중을 차지하고 있습니다. SAT 점수가 아니더라도 "아이비리그에서 살아 남을만한" 학생을 걸러내어 뽑겠다는 뜻입니다. 추천서 및 과외활동 (여름활동 및 리서치 포함) 전략은 전문가의 컨설팅을 통해 미리 준비하여야 하고요, 에세이는 내용 및 독창적인 문체를 전문가로부터 지도 받을 것을 권장드립니다.